One of the beautiful things about coffee is you can interact with it as simply or complexly as you like. If you're one of those people that like a little more complexity, this El Salvador Finca Rumania Honey is for you. Not because this coffee is difficult to drink, it's quite the opposite. But because it's a fun experiment in how coffee from the same farm can taste so different based on how it's processed.
We've carried coffee from Finca Rumania since 2021. It's located in Caton el Guineo in the Santa Ana region and the Lima family has been farming this land since 1938. Our usual lot is a natural process, but this portion of the harvest is honey processed. The flavor has layers of apples, baking cocoa, sweet nougat, and silky maple truffle. This lot has a similar creamy body with an overall lovely balance.
Geography- Caton el Guineo, el Congo Departamento de Santa Ana, El Salvador
Altitude- 1100 MASL
Varietals- Bourbon
Preparation —Honey process, patio dried
802 Cupping notes – Red apple, baking cocoa, nougat, maple truffle. Creamy body, balanced.